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Point Purchasing is competitively priced for the mid to small market. The price is based on the number of users in your company. We also offer a "starter" package for small companies.

For more information on pricing please call (866) POINT-68 or Request Information!

Calculate Your Savings

Fill out the form below to see how much you can save by using Point Purchasing instead of your paper-based system. The figures were based on feedback received from current Point Purchasing buyers.

Savings in Minutes [1] 30 min
Number of Reqs per Day [2]
Hourly Rate of Purchasing Staff in Dollars
Annual Savings by Using Point Purchasing

[1] Savings in minutes by processing an order with Point Purchasing versus a paper-based system.

The value was conservatively calculated based on the following factors:

End User Submits Requisition

  1. Forms auto populated.
  2. Access to recent pricing.
  3. Requisition authorized online via automated emails.

Purchasing Agent Processes Requisition

  1. System automatically assigns PO number.
  2. Ability to combine requisitions to a single PO.
  3. PO sent to supplier as integrated order.
  4. Supplier confirms PO.

Receiving Agent Receives Goods

  1. Receive an entire PO with just 2 clicks.
  2. Efficiently handle returns, over/under shipments.
  3. Search incomplete items as well as "items due today".

Receipts Integrated with Accounting

  1. Point Purchasing EZ Integrator imports data seamlessly into accounting application, reducing data input errors and redundant keying of data.

[2] Number of requisitions processed on average in one business day.




  Purchasing Agent

Start Saving NOW !!
Point Purchasing can pay for itself in one year or less. CONTACT US and we'll show you how.